
security &
privacy policy


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy the words “Elite Energy”, “we”, “our” and “us” refer to Elite Energy Pty Ltd (ACN 089 098 126), and “Site” to materials and services delivered on or through the website located at the domain name http://www.eliteenergy.com.au

This Security Policy should be read carefully by users of the Site (“you“) prior to accessing or using the information and services available through the Site.  By accessing or using the Site, you agree to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy, which is available on the Site.

Elite Energy is committed to keeping the Site and the data collected secure at all times.

For the purpose of “Event Registration”, Elite Energy uses the facilities of “Register Now”.  Register Now uses the latest, industry standard, minimum 128-bit SSL encryption technology with an Extended Validation Certificate, when collecting any information from you. At any time that you are entering data, please look for the green address bar when using compatible browsers so you can be sure you are on a legitimate Register Now secure site.

All data collected by Register Now is stored on servers in a secure environment meeting the highest industry security standard ISO/IEC 27001.  Regular testing and monitoring of security, firewalls, weaknesses and threats are monitored 24 hours a day by security specialists who have earned Certified Information System Security Professional certifications (ISO/IEC 17024).

If you have any questions regarding the “Register Now” security policy, please contact their staff at info@registernow.com.au.


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy the words “Elite Energy”, “we”, “our” and “us” refer to Elite Energy Pty Ltd (ACN 089 098 126) and “Site” to materials and services delivered on or through the website located at the domain name http://www.eliteenergy.com.au.

This Privacy Policy should be read carefully by users of the Site (“you“) prior to accessing or using the information and services available through the Site. By accessing or using the Site, you agree to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal and sensitive information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

Elite Energy provides a facility, subject to our terms and conditions, for event holders to sell tickets, merchandise and other products, and solicit donations for events which they hold, and for end users to purchase those tickets, merchandise and other products, and to pay donations.  Elite Energy takes your privacy seriously, and strictly adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Principles”).  We will only collect personal and sensitive information that is necessary for us to provide you with the functions that we offer on our Site, which includes providing you with the ability to pay other parties via credit card.  This Privacy Policy outlines our practices relating to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal and sensitive information.  Personal and sensitive information is generally information about an individual that makes the identity of an individual reasonably apparent.  Unless you give us explicit consent otherwise, we will act in accordance with this Privacy Policy with regard to our collection and use of personal and sensitive information.

The information we collect

We will only collect personal and sensitive information that is reasonably necessary for us to provide you with, or directly related to, the functions that we offer on our Site, and the services that you have requested from us.

We collect personal and sensitive information from you when you interact with the Site, which could include when you register with us and use the features available once you are registered.

The personal and sensitive information which Elite Energy collects may include, without limitation, your name, postal address, email, telephone number, credit card details, payment details, the details of any products you purchase through the Site, any donations you make, or any other information necessary to provide the functions and services requested. Elite Energy will collect personal and sensitive information only by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way. Elite Energy may collect the personal and sensitive information directly from you, or alternatively from third parties (such as payment providers) with whom you interact with or via the Site.

When you access our Site via a browser or application, our servers automatically record certain information. These server logs may include information such as your web request, your interaction with a service, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser or your account.

How we use your information

We will only use your personal and sensitive information for the provision of our goods and services to you, and for any other purpose, which we state at the time of the collection, as permitted by law and/or as required to provide the functions, and services you request. Such use may include the provision of your information to attendees at events, to event holders or to charities to whom you make donations.

We may also use the information you provide to engage in marketing. If we do use the information you provide in this manner then it is done in aggregate and on a purely anonymous basis with your personal and sensitive information removed. We will not use any sensitive information that you provide to us for this purpose without first obtaining your consent. You can opt out of marketing activities at any time.

We may also collect information about you and how you interact with our Site, by using or storing “cookies” on your computer. You can delete cookies from your computer at any time via your Internet browser. However doing so may limit your use of some of the Site’s features.

Please remember that any information that you post in our public forums and any social media interfaces is public information and will not be treated as confidential. Such information can be collected and used by others. Please be careful and responsible when you are online.


Please remember that any information that you post in our public forums and any social media interfaces is public information and will not be treated as confidential. Such information can be collected and used by others. Please be careful and responsible when you are online.

Sharing your information

We will only disclose your personal and sensitive information in the following circumstances:

  • When we have your consent.
  • To third parties where necessary for us to provide our services to you, or where you have expressly asked us to do so for the purposes of them or us providing further services. These third parties may include, without limitation, banks and payment processors.
  • To our related bodies corporate, and their respective directors, officers, agents, and employees for the purpose of processing personal and sensitive information on our behalf.
  • We may from time to time engage service providers to help us deliver our services to you. These service providers may be located in Australia and/or overseas (and in the case of overseas providers, we currently directly engage providers in Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada. In these instances, we may disclose your personal and sensitive information to these third parties in order to help deliver services to you.
  • To a third party data storage provider as part of the storage of your personal, sensitive or protected information on the Site on servers located within Australia.
  • To comply with any law enforcement agency, judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process in any jurisdiction that is investigating any breach or suspected breach of any law in any jurisdiction regarding your identity or other personal and sensitive information provided by you to us.
  • Where disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our agreements with you or any rights we have, including investigation of potential violations, or to detect, prevent, or investigate a matter relating to security, fraud or other technical issues.
  • Where disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect Elite Energy’s rights or intellectual property or to protect the safety of Elite Energy’s employees, users or the public as required or permitted by law.
  • Where we are otherwise permitted by law to disclose your personal and sensitive information.

Although Elite Energy may disclose your personal and sensitive information to third parties (as stated in this Privacy Policy and where permitted by law), Elite Energy will not be responsible for how those third parties access, use, store, maintain or disclose your personal and sensitive information.

If you opt in to receive email communications from us, we will send these to you directly by us. We will only send communications to people who have opted to receive them. You can unsubscribe from receiving these communications at any time.

In the event Elite Energy goes through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your personally identifiable information may be among the assets transferred. We will ensure the confidentiality of any personal and sensitive information disclosed in this context.

How you may access your information

We provide you with easy access to the personal and sensitive information we hold about you. You may change and access certain parts of your personal and sensitive information (such as your contact details) via our Site. Copies of other personal and sensitive information which we hold may be reasonably requested by contacting us via email at office@eliteenergy.com.au or by calling us in Australia on 02 4423 7775. We may charge you a reasonable fee for complying with any such request.

We may refuse, in our sole discretion, to provide you access to your personal and sensitive information which we hold, where such refusal is permitted by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy Principles or any other law.

If you no longer wish to receive email communications from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by using the link on the emails we send you, or informing us and we will do it for you.

How we protect your information

We will act to protect your personal and sensitive information in accordance with the Privacy Principles. We are committed to keeping the personal and sensitive information you provide to us secure. We take all reasonable precautions to protect the personal and sensitive information we hold about you from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

While we take all due care in ensuring the privacy and security of your personal and sensitive information, the possibility exists that this information could be unlawfully intercepted while in transit over the internet or while stored on our systems or on our website. We disclaim all liability to you to the greatest extent pursuant to law should this occur.

We will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal and sensitive information if it is no longer needed for the purpose for which the information was disclosed.

Access to the Site outside Australia & Cross Border Disclosure

(a) Elite Energy does not represent or warrant that the content on the Site complies with the laws of any country outside of Australia. If you access the Site from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk.

(b) Unless you advise us otherwise, you will be taken to consent to any necessary cross-border disclosure of your personal and sensitive information to enable Elite Energy to provide its services to you. By providing your consent, you acknowledge that Elite Energy does not need to take any steps to ensure that an overseas recipient of your personal and sensitive information treats your personal and sensitive information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Quality & Correction of Personal and Sensitive Information

It is your responsibility to contact us from time to time to inform us of any changes to your personal, sensitive and protected information to ensure that it is up to date, relevant and of an appropriate quality to enable us to provide our goods and services to you.

Elite Energy will take reasonable steps to correct your personal and sensitive information if we are satisfied that your personal and sensitive information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, including making any appropriate deletions or additions to your personal and sensitive information.

Other websites

The Site contains links to other websites that are not maintained or controlled by Elite Energy or its related companies. Once you transfer from the Site to another website, we are not responsible for the conduct or practices of those third party websites, as they are not under our control. When you transfer to another website you should check the applicable privacy policy of that site.

Contacting us

If you have any queries in relation to this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to request access to your personal and sensitive information or have a complaint about a breach of privacy, then please contact us at office@eliteenergy.com.au or call us in Australia on 02 4423 7775.

Alternatively, any person may make a complaint to the Australian Privacy Commissioner.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner may be contacted on

Tel: 1300 363 992

E-mail enquries@oaic.gov.au

or postal address at:

GPO Box 5218

Sydney NSW 2001

or online at: www.oaic.gov.au.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Elite Energy intends to develop and enhance its services continuously, by adding new features and services to the Site. As we add features we will update this Privacy Policy from time to time as required. We will also keep prior versions of this Privacy Policy archived. You should periodically visit this page to review the current Privacy Policy.

For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website.

This Privacy Policy was last modified on 18th June 2015.